Run Reports

We're committed to making Toney a safer place to live & work

Despite challenges and in favor of success, Toney Fire & Rescues continues to support the community through courage and commitment.


Total Calls in 2020


Total Calls in 2021


Total Calls in 2022


Total Calls in 2023


Total Calls in 2024
Medical Calls

Cardiac problems, allergic reations, difficulty breathing, trauma, and much more.

Fires & Alarms

Structure fires, outside fires, residental and commercial fire alarms.

Vehicle Rescues

Accidents, entrampment, vehicle fires, traffic control and more.

Other Responses

Hazardous emergencies, citizen assists, and other unique emergencies

Email Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will get back to you. We are an all-volunteer department so please be patient with us. If this is an emergency please call 911.